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African & Arab Regional On-line Seminar; June 19th 2022 to July 8th 2022

Title: Kim Il Sung - The Peerless Great Man


African Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People

Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People



The African and Arab regional on-line seminar titled "Kim Il Sung - The Peerless Great Man" is currently ongoing, June 19th 2022 to July 8th 2022, under the co-sponsorship of the African Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People and the Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People.


The E-seminar is organized in memorial of the 28th anniversary of the demise of the great President Kim Il Sung. The seminar will feature the works and life of President Kim Il Sung, the founding Father of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea; a master of independent politics and an outstanding hero who left an indestructible trace in the history of global politics.


Participating in the event are various international, regional and national friendship and cultural exchange organizations with the DPRK, persons and groups from various African and Arab countries, and the DPRK Embassy in Nigeria.


Following the proposal from African and Arab Committees for friendship and solidarity with Korean People, our Korean comrades prepared a beautiful floral basket in the name of the participants of this E-seminar and presented it to the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Leader Kim Jong Il on Mansu hill on the occasion of 8th July. View the Floral Basket


A letter to H. E. Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, will be adopted during the seminar. View the Letter


The participants adopted a report of the E-seminar during the closing ceremony. View the report


Letter to President Kim Jong Un   |   Seminar Report   |   Floral Basket


Click the links below to view/download seminar presentations


President KIM IL SUNG, A Peerless Great Man
July 8, 2022 marks the 28th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung. President Kim Il Sung performed brilliant exploits deeply etched in human history with his outstanding revolutionary activities. For over 80 years of his life the President, through his outstanding ideological and theoretical activities and revolutionary practice, put forward the man as the master of the world, shed the light on the road of shaping the destiny of the masses of the people, and opened up a new era of independence...
Nigatu Dagnachew is the Chairman of the National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism of Ethiopia

My First Visit to the DPRK
At the invitation of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) International Department of Friendship and Cultural Relations with foreign nations, I visited the DPRK In early July 2004 for 10 days. The purpose of my visit was to join with other international quests and the Korean people to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the demise of President Kim IL Sung...
Raymond Ferguson is the National Secretary of Australia-DPRK Friendship and Cultural Society and a member of the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of the International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu (OCIFPGPP)

KIM IL SUNG, Grand Hombre Incomparable
Santiago-Nseng Mengue Mekemeza writes from Equitorial Guinea

KIM IL SUNG, Grand Personage Del Siglo XX Y Del Siglo XXI
Escrito Por Pablo Volodia Akoma MBA writes from Equitorial Guinea

Peerless Great Man: KIM IL SUNG
7th June 2022: H.E. Kim Il Sung is the peerless great man who made a tremendous contribution to the Popular Masses’ Cause of Independence as the great philosopher of the world, illuminating the road for the progressive people in the Global Independence...
Newton Balenzi is the Head of Administration, Uganda National Executive Committee, the Pan African Movement

Peerless Great Man: KIM IL SUNG
th June 2022: The august name of H.E. Kim Il Sung has reminded in the hearts of the world progressive people as the peerless great man. It is well known that the peerless great man creates a great idea. In this presentation, I would like to mention about the immortal ideological and theoretical exploits, among others, performed by H.E. Kim Il Sung. H.E. Kim Il Sung, founding father of the DPR of Korea authored the Juche idea during his early struggle against Japanese colonial rule...
Daniel Rugarama is the Chairman of Uganda National Executive Committee, the Pan African Movement

Message to the African & Arab Regional E-seminar "Kim Il Sung - Peerlessly Great Man"
London 9 June 2022: The great leader President KIM IL SUNG worked all his life for the independence of the people. He was a tireless fighter who battled against imperialism all his life, leading the Korean people first against the rapacious Japanese imperialists, then against the barbaric US imperialists...

Dr Dermot Hudson, BA(Hons) is the Chairman of Korean Friendship Association UK, the Chairman of British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, and President of the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK. He is also Vice chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu (OCIFPGPP)

Congratulatory Message
June 18, 2022: Great Comrade KIM IL SUNG restored the sovereignty and dignity of Korea and resolutely defended them undergoing all sorts of difficulties and trails. The history of Comrade KIM IL SUNG was a history of a legendary hero who won a victory in confrontation with imperialism, Non of the revolutionary of the stature of the great leader in this planet, his contribution both in the field of philosophy, sociology, political science, literature, which will illuminates the path for the coming generations...
Asia Pacific Regional Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (APRCPRK)

H.E. KIM IL SUNG, Peerless Great Man
22 June 2022: From the first days when he embarked on the road of revolution to win back the country from the Japanese military occupation (1905-1945), he keenly felt the greatness of the people many times. Having embarked on the road of struggle for the country and people in his early teens, he authored the Juche idea, the gist of which is that the masses, the people, are the masters and the driving force of the revolution and construction; in other words, it means that man is the master of his own destiny and has the strength with which to carve out his destiny...
Alhassan Mamman Muhammad is the National Chairman of the Nigerian National Committee on the Study of KIMILSUNGISM-KIMJONGILISM and Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, University of Abuja, Nigeria

Discourse de Professeur Hessou Kohovi
Nous devons travailler à la perpétuation de la mémoire du Président KIM IL SUNG (1912-1994) qui a grandement contribué à l’oeuvre de l’émancipation humaine. Vue la grandeur et l’immensité des oeuvres de ce grand leader charismatique nous ne pouvons nullement avoir la prétention de ressasser son histoire dans le cadre d’un séminaire International comme celui-ci. Mais permettez-moi d’évoquer quelques aspects historiques de ce Grand et Immortel Digne fils de notre Humanité...
Hessou Kohovi, Comite National Beninois D’Etudes des Idees de Juche, Benin Republic

Président Kim II Sung et les Idées du Juché
Le 8 juillet 1994 est le jour du décès de Son Excellence Président Kim Il Sung, fondateur des Idées du Juché, la grande idéologie directrice de l'époque de l'indépendance. A l'occasion de ce jour-là, le peuple coréen et l'humanité progressiste du monde entier se remémorent avec vénération, sa vie révolutionnaire brillante et ses exploits immortels...
Abderhamane Niang,
Président de la Association d'Etude des Idées du JUCHE du Mali

Le GENERALISSIME KIM IL SUNG, GRAND LEADER: Grand Homme d’Etat du 20ème siècle, Guide Eternel des Peuples
L’avènement du Grand Leader Kim Il Sung sur la scène politique internationale, au moment où les peuples sur tous les continents réclamaient l’indépendance et la souveraineté a été un évènement exceptionnel du siècle dernier. Par son Leadership, le Grand Leader Kim Il Sung a apporté à l’humanité, une bouée de sauvetage surtout aux peuples opprimés en lutte pour leur liberté...
Communication de Abdoulaye Diallo, Secrétaire Général du Comité National d’Etude du Kimilsunisme – Kimjongilisme; Guinea-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Association

Abdul Rahman Deko
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Syria

Ali Al-Saadoun
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Iraq

L’Histoire de l’humanité nous renseigne qu’à chaque époque, qu’à travers chaque contrée et dans chaque domaine d’activités surgissent des hommes et des femmes de valeurs qui marquent de leurs contributions significatives l’Histoire dans sa progression vers une humanité plus assumée...
Par le Professeur docteur LOHEKELE KALONDA André Secrétaire General du Comité Régional Africain pour les Etudes des Idées de Juche; First Vice-president of DR Congo-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Association, Democratic Republic of Congo

Ellena Nedogina

Congratulatory Message
Korea-Asia Pacific Exchange, Pyongyang, DPRK

Fawzi Al-Fajja
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Sudan

Hamad Al-Marii
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Qatar

Marina Marwan Sudah

Marwan Sudah
Chairman of Kim Jong Il Club of Korean Broadcasting Listeners and Friends, Jordan

Mirhan Al-Badarin
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Jordan

Naoual Hifri
C'est avec une grande fierté et un énorme plaisir que nous partageons dans cette conférence en collaboration avec des représentants des pays arabes et africains pour participer à l'événement de commémoration du 28e anniversaire du décès du Leader de la République populaire démocratique de Corée, dans une biographie pleine de réalisations et d'exploits contribuant au développement de la civilisation d'une nation et à l'économie d'un pays appelé la Corée du Nord...
Membre du Comité arabe d'amitié et de solidarité avec le peuple coréen, Algeria

Noura Fadel
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Morocco

Juin 2022: Le Président KIM IL SUNG de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée est non seulement le Père de la Nation coréenne mais également un leader universel qui attire depuis de lustres une profonde admiration et suscite le respect du monde progressiste...
Par OYEMA NDJOKO Joseph, Secrétaire Général de l’Association d’Amitié et de Solidarité Congo-Corée, Kinshasa, Republique d'Congo

Shaimaan Abu Gazaala
Member, Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People, Egypt

Juin 2022: Le Président KIM Il SUNG est le Père fondateur de la RPDC et Soleil de la Nation coréenne fut une figure sans égale car il s’est démarquer par la clairvoyance et la justesse de la pensée du socialisme à la coréen...
Par YANGANA NZEMBA John, Coordonateur du Cercle de la Jeunesse de Lingwala et 2nd Vice-Président de l’Association d’Amitié et de Solidarité Congo-Corée, Kinshasa-RDC 

Congratulatory Message
Kamakura_Takao is the Chairman of Gathering of People for Japan-DPRK Friendship and Solidarity in Saidama Prefecture, Japan

Goodwill Message
Korea-Africa Friendship Society and Korea-Arab Friendship and Solidarity Committee extend greetings to the E-Seminar “KIM IL SUNG: Peerlessly Great Man” to be held under the joint auspices of African Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People and Arab Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People on the 28th anniversary of the demise of the Great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG...
Korea-Africa Friendship Society and Korea-Arab Friendship and Solidarity Committee, Pyongyang July 1, Juche 111(2022), DPRK

Seminario - Kim Il Sung, gran Hombre del Siglo
Enterado del desarrollo del Seminario con el tema “Kim Il Sung, gran Hombre del Siglo” felicito a los organizadores y les deseo un gran éxito, tanto en las ponencias como en las conclusiones...
Jesús Antonio Carlos Hernández, Primer Vice-presidente, Comité Latinoamericano y del Caribe por la Reunificación de Corea

Congratulatory Message
I, on behalf of OCIFPGPP Secretariat, would like to extend my warmest congratulation on Eseminar which is being held with great success under the joint auspices of the African Regional Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People and Arab Regional Committee for Friendship and Soidarity with the Korean people on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of demise of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung under the theme of "Kim Il Sung – Peerlessly Great Man"...
Pak Kyong Il is the Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of the International Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu (OCIFPGPP), July 8th, Juche 111(2022), Pyongyang, DPRK

Goodwill Message
I thank you African and Arab Committees for Friendship and Solidarity with Korean people and salute to Comrade Damian Ogbonna and Comrade Dr. Yahia Khairallah for your tireless efforts to organize the e-Seminar on "KIM IL SUNG: the Peerless Great Man", which is very timely to mark the 28th anniversary of the memory of great leader President, KIM IL SUNG and I am honored to receive an invitation and to present my tributes to the deep memory of Peerless Great Man...
Phanindra Raj Pant is the General Secretary of Nepal National Memorial Commission for President Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il. He is also EXBU Member of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (APRCPRK), 8 July, Juche 111 (2022), Kathmandu, Nepal

Kim Il Sung - The Peerless Great Man
28th years have passed since the great leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG left his people whom he had so loved .But his greatness and undying expolits live in the hearts and minds of the Korean people and world progressive people and will shine for all ages along with the history of socialist korea. The world progressive people reverence for the great generals of Mt paektu who performed immortal exploits on behalf of the country and the nation, the times and humankind is growing deeper...
Javed Ansari is the President of Pakistan-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Committee

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